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Courses in 2024 - 2025

Scars & their impact on the body - Japanese style

Sat 16 November 2024

First Aid
Sunday 24 November 2024

Intro to Thai Tok Sen massage*

Saturday 29 March 2025

Intro to Korean Hand Therapy *

Sunday 30 March 2025

Recorded Courses

Interpreting the zangfu 臟腑 organs
of Chinese Medicine*

learn about the Chinese characters which form a semantic cloud around each organ

 - a great way to deepen your understanding of organ functions

An afternoon with a Jiao*
look at the tripartite division of the trunk - and learn more about acupoints in each jiao

Twenty four Solar fortnights*
these 12 separate 2 hour recordings are applicable to one month or a full year - including astronomy, astrology, food, ceremonies, acupuncture channels, acupoints, seasonal exercises and more

*open to students or anyone with an interest in this area *

Treating Musculoskeletal Conditions using Traditional East Asian & Western Medicine - an Integrated Approach

Some previous attendees comments on this course

"I thought the balance between theory and practical was just right.  The varied styles of presentation and activities (quizzes and skeleton) was more visual, engaging + fun which has helped me remember the info better.  This course has given me more knowledge, tools & confidence to add to my acupuncture practice.  Thanks Alex - I loved it!" Deb TRAFFORD (Acupuncturist)

"I used the pricking of the vessels following testing of Shu Stream points for aching shoulders on Monday - instant result - how amazing is that. I've used it about 4 times this week and the results have definitely improved my patient outcomes and are now firmly in the mainstay of my practice. Gua Sha - oh my word, I'm a total convert. I still need more practice but again, amazing. I can't thank you enough." Martine  DUMA (Acupuncturist)

         Date         Saturday and Sunday 6 & 7 April 2024

         with one day theory in your own time online​

        Time         10am - 6pm on Sat & Sun

        Cost          £225 for 3 day blended learning course
        Spaces      Max 12
        Tutor       Alex Brazkiewicz 

About your tutor: Alex Brazkiewicz BSc (Hons) Acup, B.Os. (Hons), Dipl Tuina, Acupuncture & Tuina Practitioner, Osteopath & Paramedic
Alex's passion for integrating Chinese and Western medicine stems from almost 35 years training in Japanese Martial Arts, philosophy and studying Namikoshi Shiatsu at Elite Martial Academy whilst serving concurrently for 30 years as a registered paramedic (undertaking over 17 years front line duties with the London Ambulance Service).
In 2007, Alex qualified from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM), Reading with a 1st Class BSc (Hons) in Traditional Acupuncture, and subsequently completed his postgraduate diploma in Tuina Chinese Massage and Medical QiGong in 2009.  Alex subsequently became a volunteer at the NHS Gateway Clinic in London.
                                                                    **Open to all* 

As practitioners are aware, the hardest part in any treatment is correct diagnosis. 
Classically, channel palpation was a major part of diagnosis (alongside pulse, tongue and asking questions). The physiology of the channels (applied channel theory) was studied alongside zangfu organ physiology and pathology, yin/yang and wuxing Five Elements. 

This workshop has been designed to enable a practitioner to utilize channel palpation together with applied channel theory and to integrate them with modern western diagnostic methods and various modalities of Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) to increase accurate diagnosis and treatment of all conditions, but mainly focusing on sinew channels and musculoskeletal conditions.   

After this course you will be able to:

  • Improve your patient diagnosis and treatment through a systematic approach toward MSK conditions
  • Learn how to integrate Channel Palpation and Applied Channel Theory with Western Orthopaedic (OT) &

Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) in your diagnosis; by using Channel Theory and the Sinew Channels you will be able to have a systematic approach to the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions

  • Learn to ‘Release the Brakes” and to apply the principles of Muscle Energy Techniques (MET’s)
  • Introduce Gua Sha into your distal and local treatments: you will have a brief overview of the modern research to gain an insight as to its clinical possibilities (apart from its use in musculoskeletal conditions)
  • Know when to “prick the vessels” and how to incorporate this into an integrated treatment approach

Entry requirements
This course is aimed at acupuncture practitioners, Tuina practitioners and also final year students (although it is also suitable for practitioners with little or no formal Tuina or bodywork training)
The course is limited to 12 attendees to enable maximum use of practical skill learning time and individual feedback.

By integrating classical diagnosis with modern orthopaedic and manual muscle testing and a systematic
approach to treating MSK conditions, this 3 day blended-learning course will improve your diagnostic
skills, thereby enhancing patient outcomes.

Click here to listen to a radio interview of Alex, about his MSK course.                            

Between 2009 and 2013 he was fortunate to undertake 3 month-long intense study trips to China where he studied Classical Chinese Medicine personally  under Professor Wang Ju Yi, co-author of the seminal text Applied Channel Theory.  During these trips he was also able to further his study of Tuina Chinese Massage at the Blind Tuina Teaching Hospital in Beijing (gaining a further certificate in manipulation) and Classical Chinese Medicine applied to Musculoskeletal and Sports Injuries under Yefim Gamgoneishvili.   Alex has also assisted another of Professor Wang's apprentices (and co-author of the book Applied Channel Theory) Jason Robertson in the teaching of Applied Channel Theory and Channel Palpation both in the UK, The Republic of Ireland and Germany. Alex has also completed courses in Western Massage, Kinesiology Taping and has a Certificate in Education.  He was the first person in the UK to complete the Post Graduate Diploma in Gua Sha under Dr Arya Nielsen PhD and, after observing how Western orthopadeic medicine and Chinese Medicine were taught in the 6-year Tuina Training in China, he qualified as an Osteopath after a further 5 year training in the UK. Alex is currently on the faculty at CICM where he lectures and assesses Conventional Western Biomedicine to Acupuncture undergraduate students, and he also teaches Tuina at the City College of Acupuncture, London on their postgraduate Tuina course. Alex currently splits his time between treating patients integrating Classical Chinese acupuncture, Tuina and Osteopathy and teaching (First Aid, Tuina and his MSK courses. He is also an HCPC registered Paramedic and is registered with the British Acupuncture Council (MBAcC) , the UK Register of Tuina Chinese Massage (MRTCM) and with the College of Paramedics (MCPara) holding all the appropriate insurances.

"I'll be using this when I return to clinic.  It will fit perfectly into how I work already.  Many thanks"
Subsequent email - "I had a patient returning with residual shoulder pain, after palpating it was definitely PC Sinew Channel.  Blood let PC9 and the pain completely disappeared - I don't know who was more amazed, me or the patient!!  Thanks again for the course.  excellent and refined  some things I've been doing for years"  Marek URBANOWICZ (Acupuncturist, Applied Kinesiologist, Swedish Massage, Shiatsu and Reflexology practitioner)